My house from the outside. Granted, I am now living in a different house, but it looks exactly the same. This entry way is into the kitchen and there is front door leading to the living room.

My sunny kitchen.

The road in the teachers compound. All the teachers' houses are on either side of this street. And although it looks like grass, it's mostly just weeds growing and everyone's front yard is red dirt.

Me pointing to Maun, a supposedly beautiful, huge tourist hotspot, and making a face to show how much it would stink to get placed there. Some of my lucky friends are living there now.

And me pointing to Molepolole on the map.
Congrats on the move! It looks nicer than your old place...at least from the photos you've shown.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused about this tourist hot spot. Would it be like being placed in America at Disneyworld?
Molepolole...even though I'm hesitant on pronunciation...ROCKS!!
Oh man...miss you! Hope you're doing well! So many pictures, so few updates on yourself. What do you do everyday??